VanEck Makes the Case for Institutional Bitcoin Investment

VanEck has outlined the case for institutional Bitcoin (BTC) investment in a report published on Jan. 29. According to the investment management firm, even a small amount of BTC allocation could improve a portfolio’s upside.

As shown in the report, Bitcoin has a history of outperforming tradition asset classes as well as a track record of strong growth over longer three to five year periods. Bitcoin also enhances the diversity of a portfolio as its movements bear very little correlation to the broad market equity indices, bonds and gold.  

Source: VanEck – The Investment Case for Bitcoin

As shown in the chart below, the report finds, “A small allocation to Bitcoin significantly enhanced the cumulative return of a 60% equity and 40% bonds portfolio allocation mix while only minimally impacting its volatility.”

 Source: VanEck – The Investment Case for Bitcoin

Despite the evidence presented, VanEck’s report explains that the main deterrent for institutional adoption Bitcoin revolves around the lack of infrastructure to connect it to capital markets and its nature as a bearer asset.

VanEck explains that BTC is not quite a currency but still has the potential to become one. The report also suggests Bitcoin bears the necessary features that could see it become a digital gold, but its future monetary value hinges heavily on how people’s perceptions of its value develop.

BTC Exchange Traded Funds

The report highlighted the crypto industries momentum being carried into 2020, citing regulatory achievements in Colorado and Wyoming and the launch of physically settled BTC futures.

The reports also mention the Exchange Traded Funds(ETF)s that are under consideration and mention that the previously withdrawn VanEck-SolidX proposal is back in the race and slated to be reviewed next.

One BTC Exchange Traded Fund that we will not see in 2020, or anytime soon, is the highly anticipated Bitwise ETF.

On Jan. 14, Bitwise submitted a note to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requesting the registration withdrawal. The cryptocurrency asset management firm cited the move as being consistent with “public interest” and “protection of investors.”

According to an article by The Block, Matt Hougan, Global Head of Research, Bitwise confirmed, “We did indeed withdraw the application. This is a procedural step, and we intend to refile our application at the appropriate time.”

Upon its initial filing, Bitwise received a 112-page response from the SEC and Hougan added that the firm is currently working this document but remains committed to the development of the Bitcoin ETF.

Image via Shutterstock

Bitcoin Price Surges Over the $10,000 Mark—Traders Expect it to Edge Higher

Bitcoin price crossed the $10,000 mark on July 26, reaching its highest level in almost two months. Bitcoin (BTC) is trading around the $10,248 level at press time. The last time Bitcoin was at the $10K level was on June 10.

Bitcoin has had very low volatility in the past few weeks. However, Bitcoin’s surge to $10K has not pressured traders to sell, with the sentiment of BTC trading even higher. Glassnode’s on-chain data, “Bitcoin days destroyed” indicator suggests that traders did not use the recent price surge to trade or sell. 

Rob Sluymer, technical strategist at Fundstrat Global Advisors LLC said:

“We remain positive on the overall precise structure for Bitcoin and do expect it push through $10,000-$10,500 as part of its longer-term bullish technical profile. The range remains a resistance band that Bitcoin will need to break above to signal its next move to resistance at $13,800.”

In June, Bloomberg predicted that Bitcoin’s price in 2020 could reach $20K. As Bitcoin’s volatility was at its lowest-ever against crude oil, this indicates that the cryptocurrency is joining the mainstream and progressing towards the digital equivalent of gold.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) said in a tweet: 

“$10k is no longer exciting.”

As the US government is about to see the second round of COVID-19 stimulus checks, it was speculated whether Americans would invest in Bitcoin. With the excess money printing due to stimulus checks being paid out by the US government, Gemini CEO Tyler Winklevoss advocated in a recent public tweet that Bitcoin is the way to go, and should definitely be invested in. He explained that with the US Federal Reserve’s plan of mass printing money, the “stage for Bitcoin’s next bull run is set.” 

Bitcoin continued to rise, as gold has also seen the same trend, almost surging to record levels. Bitcoin has been deemed as “digital gold.” Bloomberg’s April 2020 Crypto Outlook report previously said that the COVID-19 pandemic’s shake-out of the stock market may be accelerating Bitcoin’s maturation into a new kind of digital gold. 

Ether sees a 20% surge

Ether (ETH) underwent a 20% surge, and the increase in pricing can be attributed to the rising popularity of DeFi applications and the resulting number of dividends pay-outs. This is exciting for the crypto community, as Ethereum has not seen the time of the day since its early 2018 crash. 

Also, until recently, it has been seen to be trailing behind its counter rival Bitcoin on the crypto markets. But 2020 appears to be the year that revolutionizes it all for Ethereum.

Bitcoin Price is Ready to Break $10,000—Here’s Why

Bitcoin’s price has plunged below $11,000 for the first time in over a month, breaking two support levels in less than a week. The world’s largest cryptocurrency is now trading at the $10,200 levels, slightly recovering from its low of $10,024, according to Binance. However, Bitcoin’s price at $10,000 can hardly be seen as a support level. Let’s take a look at a few major factors that led to the Bitcoin price plunge and crypto market crash.  

Fiscal stimulus packages have come to a halt 

There is no doubt that the money supply is one of the most important factors that influence asset prices, including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. For now, the US stimulus packages have come to a halt, although it seems as though it is urgently needed.  

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testified to Congress on Sept. 1 that parts of the US economy urgently need additional fiscal stimulus for a full economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. A day later, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell expressed doubts about another stimulus package. He added, “I don’t know if there will be another package in the next few weeks or not.” 

This could lead to a sudden shortage of money supply which would remind us of the days in 2018 when Bitcoin nearly reached $3,000. In 2017, the Federal Reserve said that the US economy is strong enough for the central bank to begin reducing its $4.5 trillion balance sheet in October. Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet L. Yellen said at the time, “The basic message here is US economic performance has been good.”

This overlapped with the policy of raising interest rates that started in 2015, indicating a signal of a strong tightening of fiscal policy. Then witnessed the crash of asset prices, including the stock market, real estate, and Bitcoin. 

It would be chaos for the market if the money shortage continues, considering that the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended, and cases in the US seems to be growing every day. As the economy is in jeopardy, investors tend to urgently sell assets for cash.  

Time to cash out?  

The economic recession due to the coronavirus is completely unprecedented which was similar to the Great Depression in the 1930s. As expected, to rescue the economy, the Federal Reserve planned to inject $2.3 trillion into the market, which would far exceed its 2008 rescue. This no doubt enabled asset prices to rally, especially high-quality assets.  

The stock market recovered and reached a record high after the first stimulus package check. It was mainly driven by high-quality tech-driven company stocks, including Apple and Tesla. Tesla’s price was trading around 70.10 on Mar. 18 and reached 502.49 on Sep. 1. This surge resulted in more than 7 times in value under the current economic turmoil. Now time for cash out for some investors. Long-time Tesla shareholder Baillie Gifford, an asset manager based in the UK, sold around 19 million shares on top of the 10 million shares he sold during the first half of the year. The Tesla stock price fell nearly 25% after it hit a record high this week. 

The same story also applies to Bitcoin. On Mar. 13, the Bitcoin’s price crashed to as low as $3,600 on BitMEX. With the addition of the fiscal stimulus package, Bitcoin witnessed multiple bull runs. According to CoinGecko data, Bitcoin’s price hit its 2020 high of $12,400 on August 18. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong revealed data that showed that Americans have been depositing amounts similar to the stimulus checks offered to citizens.  

The internal pressures of the crypto sell-off, which causing the recent crypto market crash has also been intensified by external factors such as the halt to money printing. The internal pressures of the crypto ecosystem were also accelerated by the lack of money printing lately, which would eventually lead to a shortage of money supply.  

Other than the economic stimulus package which acted as a catalyst for bull runs, another major driving factor is the rising popularity of decentralized exchanges (DEX), which has been captivating investors’ attention. These new ecosystems ignited the surge of Ethereum and Bitcoin’s price as well.  

Recently, some novel DeFi projects listed in decentralized exchanges, including Uniswap and its hard fork Sushiswap have also seen its prices surge, followed by a sell-off. Those who have profited a substantial amount are now ready to cash out.  

Related: 3 Reasons Behind the Recent Crypto Market Crash 

What to pay attention to  

As previously reported by Blockchain.News on Aug. 11, MicroStrategy purchased 21,454 Bitcoins for $250 million, averaging $11,652.84 per Bitcoin. As a HODLer, it seems MicroStrategy would not consider violet price fluctuations and high volatility to be an alarming factor of this asset. This also provides us a benchmark of how much Bitcoin is valued by institutional investors.  

What we need to pay attention to are cryptocurrency whales such as Grayscale, after all, they can make a profit from either shorting or longing Bitcoin and may consider high volatility as an attractive factor. 

Reports on economic stimulus packages will no doubt seriously affect asset prices. As the US election is approaching, the competition between Trump and Biden will be intensified, and future policies may cause violent fluctuations in the market as well.  

With additional reporting provided by Kun Hu.

Bitcoin Price to Surge Above $11K or to Drop Below $10K? Factors that Could Affect BTC's Next Move

Yesterday, Bitcoin surged to its daily high of $10,930 and abruptly corrected after it hit the 30-day moving average, which has been a strong resistance level since Aug. 25.

A bipartisan stimulus plan was announced yesterday in the US, indicating the potential for more liquidity in the market which could be bullish for asset prices. This news overlapped with the positive news of the resumption of the AstraZeneca vaccines the day before. Both the Dow and Nasdaq opened high, but at its close, the Dow was only up by 0.01%.

The Apple stock opened high at a 2.13% increase stimulated by the release of a series of new products. However, the tech stock only gained 0.16% at its daily close. An hour after trading closed, the price dropped by 0.67%. The whole market emotion is still prudent. The recent news of a stimulus package and the state of the stock market could both have an influence on the Bitcoin and crypto market as well.

Apart from the recent stimulus package news, MicroStrategy bought 16,796 Bitcoins (BTC) for $175 million on top of its existing 21,454 BTC. MicroStrategy now holds 38,250 Bitcoins with an aggregate purchase price of $425 million. The average Bitcoin price is of the firm’s entire purchase is $11,111 per BTC.

While the news came out that MicroStrategy purchased more Bitcoin, BTC’s price started to retrace to $10,606, its daily low.

 Source: TradingView, Bitcoin price chart 

The price fluctuated under the 30-day moving average (MA) and is looking to challenge the 30-day moving average again. The stock market and other cryptos, including the SUSHI token, Ethereum, and Polkadot—could be indicators of Bitcoin’s next move.

 Source: Binance, SUSHI Token price chart 

The Sushiswap (SUSHI) token price recently plunged again by more than 23%, to around $ 1.70. The Ethereum has been presenting even weaker gains than Bitcoin. The 90-day MA is a strong support level for Ethereum, but it is apparent that the 30-day MA is a strong resistance level, the Ether price even did not touch that level since the crypto market crash.

 Source: TradingView, Ethereum price chart 

Although the Bitcoin’s price is promising in the long run, as backed by many experts, there are no huge incentives for it to reach its previous high in the short term. Bitcoin’s price could continue to fluctuate between $10,000 and $11,000. The overall crypto market seems to be on a bearish moment, while Ethereum’s price could plunge again which could pull down Bitcoin’s price as well. Factors like the new economic stimulus plan, vaccine news, SUSHI token price trend, Ethereum price trend, new regulations could have an influence on Bitcoin’s price, which is worth paying attention to.

With additional reporting by Kun Hu.

Bitcoin Poised for a Breakout, BTC Price Shows First Buy Signal Since COVID Crypto Market Crash

Bitcoin’s price has been trading around the $10,000 level for weeks, however, this could all change as Bloomberg said that technical indicators suggest Bitcoin (BTC) could be poised for a breakout. 

According to the GTI Global Strength Indicator, Bitcoin showed its first buy signal since March, when the coronavirus led to the crypto market crash. The world’s largest cryptocurrency rallied 200 percent after the Bitcoin crash in March. 

Bitcoin was trading in the past 24 hours, surging past the $11,000 resistance level, however, has retraced slightly at press time, trading at $10,897. Steve Ehrlich, CEO and co-founder of Voyager Digital said:

“Bitcoin is extremely resilient and as it gains more and more adoption, in conjunction with better regulations suited to support Bitcoin, it continues to demonstrate its position as a reliable store of value.”

Although Bitcoin’s price has been swinging around $10,000 to $12,000 in the past few months, BTC’s price has been up about 100 percent since mid-March. Due to the widespread risk-on sentiment, Bitcoin and altcoins have been seeing gains in conjunction with US equities. 

Recently, large institutions have been eyeing the cryptocurrency, with Fidelity launching its institutional Bitcoin fund in late August. Billion-dollar intelligence firm, MicroStrategy has also purchased two large sums of Bitcoin, first in August, and the second time recently in the past few days. MicroStrategy CEO Michael J. Saylor also named Bitcoin as “digital gold,” in a press release explaining why the company chose Bitcoin as the firm’s primary reserve asset.

MicroStrategy’s move to hedge its cash reserves using Bitcoin has stirred a complimentary move among Wall Street investors including billionaire Paul Tudor Jones. The foremost investor believes that the continuous printing of more money to cushion the coronavirus effects will spike inflation, making fiat currencies unattractive in comparison with digital assets like Bitcoin. Nigel Green, chief executive and founder of deVere group commented:

“Bitcoin’s key characteristics, such as its fixed supply and how transactions are immutable, distributed, non-sovereign and decentralized are highly attractive for investors in an uncertain but increasingly digitalized, tech-driven world. It has already earned it the label ‘digital gold’ and I believe its status in this regard will grow exponentially over the next year or two.”

Bitcoin Price Reaches $10,800—Following Bullish Momentum Along with Safe Haven Asset Gold

After a few days of steep correction, the cryptocurrency market is on a journey of recovery, as Bitcoin’s price recently surged from $10,300 to $10,800 within an hour. Bitcoin’s price is currently trading at $10,697, according to CoinGecko at press time.

Bitcoin (BTC) has recently undergone a strong rally, taking its price to almost $11,000. As the US dollar has weakened, it seems as Bitcoin has been able to gain strength, trading up around 4 percent in the past 24 hours. Ethereum is trading at $338 at press time.

A few days ago, Bitcoin was trading at $10,130, before its recovery yesterday and traded sideways around the $10,400 level for a while. Bitcoin then rallied to its day peak at $10,800, however, it has lost some momentum and has been retracing to the $10,600 level. 

While the stock market has recovered slightly, Bitcoin is up about 4 percent, while the traditional market, including the S&P 500, Nasdaq Composite, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed with an uptick of 0.3 percent yesterday.

Although Bitcoin has been correlated with the stock market, its more significant gains have indicated that the world’s largest cryptocurrency is more correlated with gold. Gold has been rallying from its daily low of $1,845 per ounce to its daily high of $1,878. The precious metal’s movement could also be a more accurate indication for the cryptocurrency market.

Altcoins lead the gains

Chainlink (LINK) has been making over 18 percent gains in the past 24 hours, taking the lead ahead of most of the large-cap altcoins and Bitcoin. Chainlink is currently trading at $9.76, just under $10, its recent resistance level. Chainlink currently ranks the seventh by market capitalization, according to CoinGecko.

As most of the cryptocurrency market has been weakening in the past week, many tokens including altcoins and DeFi tokens have also seen massive losses, before its slight rebound today. 

As Chainlink (LINK) remains to be steadily increasing after touching its support level at $8, it is currently on its course of rebounding, and bullish momentum could take over. Chainlink’s price seems to be more detached from the rest of the crypto market recently, as the rest of the market is making around 2 to 10 percent gains in the past 24 hours.

While the cryptocurrency market was crashing earlier this week, Uniswap’s UNI token has been able to hold its price up even when most of the cryptocurrency market is trading in the red.

Bitcoin Price to Reach $100,000 in 2025 as BTC is Increasingly Becoming Digital Gold, says Bloomberg

Bitcoin could take five or more years to reach the price of $100,000, according to Bloomberg’s demand indicators. Bitcoin (BTC) has had a history of adding zeros to its price when Bitcoin first traded at $1,000, it took 4 years to add another zero, to reach $10,000. 

Bloomberg suggests that for Bitcoin to add another zero, reaching $100,000, it would come around 2025, considering natural maturation. Bloomberg’s latest crypto report read:

“About four years after initially reaching $1,000, it added a zero. Considering normal maturation, about double the time frame from $1,000 to $10,000 would come in around 2025, for Bitcoin to potentially add another zero.”

Bloomberg’s chart also indicates that the 260-day annual measure of volatility is heading downward, with most demand and adoption measures pointing to the fact that Bitcoin will stay on a bullish path. Bloomberg’s demand indicators suggest that Bitcoin’s price is on track toward the $14,000 Bitcoin resistance.

With Bitcoin’s unique finite supply, Bitcoin’s supply cannot be influenced by price. Therefore, the adoption of the world’s largest cryptocurrency is a primary valuation metric for Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s supply is also declining on an annual percentage basis, which could also increase its price and demand.

MicroStrategy invested an additional $174 million in Bitcoin in September, totaling 38,250 Bitcoins at an aggregate purchase price of $425 million. Bloomberg added that Bitcoin’s market is too small for many large institutions, at $200 billion, including for central banks. If the market capitalization of Bitcoin increases, BTC would increasingly be more like a digital version of gold. 

Bloomberg stressed again that Bitcoin has increasingly become more like gold, as Bitcoin-to-gold correlation has reached a new high since 2010. 

Central bank digital currencies are a matter of time

As the demand for Bitcoin is set to increase, like a digital version of gold, Tether may surpass Ethereum in terms of market capitalization. As the adoption of stablecoins is increasing, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) “are a matter of time,” according to Bloomberg. The report added:

“It should take something significant to stall the increasing adoption of Tether, the top stable coin, which is on pace to match the capitalization of Ethereum in a bit less than a year, based on the regression trend since the start of 2019.”

Tether represents a stable form of payment, unlike other cryptocurrencies. The report explained, “The still deflating broad crypto-asset bubble from 2017 is migrating assets toward Tether.”

Will Bitcoin Skyrocket or Plunge? Young Traders Have Wrecked US Stock Market, Says Fund Manager

The president of Smead Capital Management addressed the topic of current trends of the US stock market in an interview with CNBC.

Will millennials be to blame for US stock market failure?

Cole Smead, a seasoned fund manager and head of Smead Capital Management stock market investment firm, disclosed that “young, dumb” investors have damaged the US stock market, as they have onboarded the stocks and bonds bandwagon. He expressed his disapproval and said that the high valuation levels currently seen on the market were an example of “stock market failure,” as millennials have taken on oversized risks in equities. He said in a CNBC interview:

“They are buying bullish call options that expire inside two weeks. There was ($500 billion) of bullish call options bought in a four-week stretch by small retail traders. In ’99 it was $100 billion, in ’07, it was $100 billion.”

The craze for buying into US stocks seem to have reached highs amid the coronavirus pandemic, as numerous investors have been seeking a way to secure their funds through hedges. According to Smead, when US stocks plummet, “it will get ugly.” The Smead Capital Management president predicted that the Federal Reserve would not be able to save the stock market.

Though the seasoned investor has expressed his disapproval on the younger generation riding the stocks bandwagon while having no strategic investment plan, he said that they were not entirely to blame. He called out baby boomers as well for pouring unrealistic “premiums” into traditional stock market winners, such as tech giant Microsoft.

Smead predicted that Microsoft stocks will reap no profits for investors who have diversified their funds that way. He told CNBC:

“Microsoft is a wonderful company. But at 40 times earnings, there is a 0% chance of that producing wealth for someone over the next 10 years that will meet their needs.”

What about Bitcoin?

Other market experts have expressed similar opinions as Smead. Many have observed that the US dollar will continue its plummeting trajectory, as the Federal Reserve is planning to push inflation rates above the target 2% and it is on the verge of releasing a second stimulus package to alleviate the coronavirus-induced financial crisis.

With the plans to do so, many have diversified their funds and invested in Bitcoin (BTC) as a hedge. Even huge companies have secured their assets by investing a portion of their treasury reserve into BTC, notably MicroStrategy, Square, and Stone Ridge Asset Management, among others.

The crypto move will likely lead other investors to consider Bitcoin as a hedge if they haven’t done so already. JPMorgan analysts have said that among younger investors and older ones, the younger generation had a higher tendency to favor cryptocurrencies and tech-related stocks, as the risk that comes with high volatility did not deter them.

Strategists also said that in the near future, Bitcoin may undergo selling pressure, as it is currently overvalued if one were to assess it as a commodity. However, Bitcoin’s value was sure to gain in the long term, according to JP Morgan Chase & Co experts.

At the time of writing, the digital gold cryptocurrency is trading at around $11,248 on CoinGecko and has fallen back slightly since its bullish behavior observed recently. Market bulls are anticipating its next bull run.

Mainstream Adoption of DeFi and DLT Is Coming, It Will Replace Banks, Says US Currency Comptroller

The US acting Comptroller of the Currency Brian Brooks disclosed that roles played by banking institutions will soon change with the emergence in popularity of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi).

An eventuality – DeFi to replace traditional banks

During an interview at DC Fintech Week, Brooks explained that the decentralized finance sector, which has boomed this year, was here to stay as it will soon make traditional financial banking services obsolete. He said that in the near future, distributed ledger technologies (DLT) would be leveraged to provide financial assistance. This would subsequently wipe out many banking roles that have up to now been considered crucial and representative of centralized power and management in the financial field. Brooks said:

“We see a future where decentralization is very likely an unstoppable force out there. Decentralized networks, by definition, are cheaper, faster, and more resilient than any kind of centralized structure.”

Brooks further said that the role of banks in society will change amid the innovative disruption brought upon by DeFi and stablecoins. Brooks stated:

“Human beings need financial services, they don’t need banks.”

To clarify his point on how decentralized blockchain networks would disrupt the financial sector, Brooks elaborated that the digital age has provided services where algorithms could now replace the role of banks, which previously served as a third-party mediator. He said:

“It is possible for you to just go online and say, ‘Hey, listen, I’ve got $10,000 here and I’d like it to earn five percent’ […] the algorithm will find someone who does, and all of a sudden there’s no longer a value in the bank aggregating all of that money together.”

Will CBDCs be part of the new digital normal?

The stance adopted by the US acting Comptroller of the Currency comes at a time when central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have been the buzz among countries that have tried to keep in stride with the digital revolution at hand.

European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde has said that it was imperative for the European Union to keep up with new demands brought upon by the digital age. She said:

“It’s simply a matter of making our currency fit for the digital age. When we see how quickly digital payments are spreading, it’s important to meet this demand.”

Central bank digital currencies have been a topic broached by many central banks worldwide, as investors have flocked to cryptocurrencies to secure their hedge funds.

The biggest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, Bitcoin, made headlines today, much to the delight of investors worldwide, as it surged past the $12,000 resistance level. At the time of writing, it is trading at 12,187.39 on CoinGecko and market experts are already anticipating it to gain more.

$1 Billion in Bitcoin Moved, Making It the Largest Dollar Value Crypto Transaction in History

On-chain crypto data analytics recently picked up a Bitcoin transaction worth more than $1 billion.

Largest BTC transaction by fiat value

According to Whale Alert, an anonymous cryptocurrency holder has recently moved around 88.857 Bitcoin (BTC), making it the biggest BTC transaction by fiat value ever to be recorded. The move translated to a value of more than $1.15 billion, and what was noteworthy was that the transaction fees amounted to as little as $3.58.

The move originated from a Xapo account and was reported by blockchain analytics to have been transacted in two rounds. Though Xapo digital wallets often transfer Bitcoin amounts in large chunks, the recorded on-chain activity exceeded the regular amount noticeably.

Why move crypto funds?

Cryptocurrency experts have speculated that the Bitcoin transfer may potentially be for safekeeping purposes, to transfer to a cold wallet. Another potential explanation may be that the funds are meant to be swapped for altcoins, such as Ethereum (ETH) or Ripple (XRP) coins.

The Bitcoin move from the anonymous cryptocurrency holder is said to be the largest dollar value BTC transaction up to date, with the digital asset’s value estimated to be north of $13,100.00 at the time of writing. The largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization has been on a bull run as of late.

Although the transaction on the block is said to translate to the biggest fiat sum ever seen from a Bitcoin transfer, it is not the biggest number of bitcoins ever to be moved. That title is attributed to a transaction dating from November 16, 2011, where 550.000 bitcoins were transferred.

Bitcoin whales hit an all-time high

The news comes at a time when the amount of Bitcoin whales have been on the rise, recording a new high as Bitcoin’s price keeps on rising. According to crypto analytics Glassnode, at least 2,230 Bitcoin addresses that held at least 1,000 BTC were detected on the chain. The blockchain analytics firm released a statement on its Twitter that stated:

“The number of #Bitcoin millionaire addresses (addresses holding ≥ $1M worth of $BTC) crossed 20,000. It is the highest value since January 2018.”

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