BlackRock and SEC Discuss iShares Bitcoin Trust Listing on Nasdaq

On November 20, 2023, a critical meeting was held between the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and representatives from BlackRock, Inc., and the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC. The meeting’s primary focus was the discussion of the iShares Bitcoin Trust and its potential listing on Nasdaq as a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).

The SEC’s Division of Trading and Markets hosted the meeting, attended by key personnel including David Shillman, Tom McGowan, Randall Roy, Ray Lombardo, Molly Kim, Edward Cho, Sarah Schandler, and Stacia Sowerby. Representing BlackRock were Rachel Aguirre, Adithya Attawar, Shannon Ghia, Robert Mitchnick, Charles Park, Marisa Rolland, and Ben Tecmire. Additionally, Eun Ah Choi, Jonathan Cayne, Giang Bui, and Ali Doyle represented The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC.

BlackRock’s presentation to the SEC included a detailed exposition of two potential models for the iShares Bitcoin Trust: the “In-Kind Redemption Model” and the “In-Cash Redemption Model.” These models outlined the mechanics of how the ETF could operate, focusing on the redemption process involving market makers, bitcoin custodians, and various exchanges.

The In-Kind Redemption Model entails a process where the ETF issuer instructs the Bitcoin Custodian to release bitcoin to a market maker, who may then unwind the bitcoin position. This model involves various parties, including a U.S. Registered Broker/Dealer, spot crypto exchanges, and a listing exchange.

The In-Cash Redemption Model, on the other hand, involves the ETF issuer trading with the market maker to sell bitcoin for USD. This model includes additional steps involving the Bitcoin Custodian moving cash out of cold storage and the market maker delivering shares to the Transfer Agent via an Authorized Participant.

The SEC’s response to BlackRock’s presentation and proposed models remains unclear, with no information on whether the SEC plans to approve the listing of a spot Bitcoin ETF. The approval of such an ETF would represent a major milestone in the acceptance of cryptocurrency in mainstream financial markets.

This meeting comes amid ongoing reviews by the SEC of various proposals for spot crypto ETFs from several firms, including Fidelity, WisdomTree, Invesco Galaxy, Valkyrie, VanEck, and Bitwise, alongside BlackRock. The push for a spot Bitcoin ETF has seen several delays and denials, creating a sense of anticipation and uncertainty in the crypto and financial markets.

The SEC has also met with executives from Grayscale on the same day to discuss their proposal for a Bitcoin ETF. The meeting with BlackRock and the ongoing reviews indicate the SEC’s active engagement in understanding and potentially integrating cryptocurrencies into regulated financial products.

BlackRock’s application to list a spot Bitcoin ETF on the Nasdaq was initially filed in June 2023. The discussion around Bitcoin ETFs has been fueled by a 2019 video of SEC Chair Gary Gensler, where he criticized the commission’s “inconsistent” approach to Bitcoin products. The approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF by the SEC would be a landmark decision, potentially paving the way for wider acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies in the mainstream financial sector.

BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust Soars, CEO Fink Bullish on BTC Future

The financial world has witnessed a monumental event as BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) has seen an unprecedented inflow of $13.5 billion within the first 11 weeks of trading. The groundbreaking exchange-traded fund (ETF), which offers investors exposure to Bitcoin without direct ownership of the cryptocurrency, has been setting records, with a daily trading high of $849 million on March 12. This surge in interest is a testament to the growing mainstream acceptance of Bitcoin and its underlying technology.

Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has expressed his confidence in Bitcoin’s long-term viability. Fink’s bullish stance on Bitcoin comes at a time when the cryptocurrency market is experiencing renewed interest from institutional investors and traditional financial entities. The launch of IBIT is a significant milestone as it represents the first such initiative by BlackRock, signaling the firm’s commitment to incorporating digital assets into its vast portfolio of investment products.

The remarkable performance of IBIT is not just a win for BlackRock but also a strong indicator of the potential of Bitcoin as a viable investment asset. The trust’s rapid growth can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing demand for digital assets as a hedge against inflation and market volatility, as well as the growing interest from both retail and institutional investors looking for diversified investment vehicles.

While the success of IBIT is notable, it is essential to consider the broader implications of such a development on the cryptocurrency landscape. The endorsement from a financial giant like BlackRock adds legitimacy to Bitcoin and could potentially lead to more widespread adoption. Moreover, the successful launch of the trust may encourage other financial institutions to explore similar offerings, thereby expanding the market for Bitcoin-related investment products.

However, the enthusiasm surrounding Bitcoin and the success of IBIT should be tempered with caution. The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, and regulatory uncertainties remain a concern for many investors. As governments and financial regulators around the world grapple with how to approach digital assets, the future of Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies could be significantly influenced by regulatory decisions.

In conclusion, the bullish outlook of BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink and the historic inflow into IBIT underscore the evolving narrative of Bitcoin as a legitimate and valuable component of the modern investment portfolio. As the world’s largest asset manager blazes a trail in the crypto ETF space, the financial community will be closely watching to see how this impacts the broader adoption and integration of digital assets within the traditional investment landscape.

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