Smart Contract 101: What is Remix?

Good tools are essential to the successful execution of a job. To write a Smart Contract you do not need to install anything on your computer, all you need is the online tool – Remix.

Remix ( is a Smart Contract online editor, compiler, tester, and deployer. It is an open-source project that is contributed to by the public, and is free for anyone to use under the terms of the MIT License open-source initiative.

To start with, let’s look at the layout of Remix below:

Starting with the navigation bar on the left-hand side let’s discuss what each icon represents. From top to bottom, the first one is Remix’s Logo. Below it is the file explorer followed by the compiler; deployer; solidity analysis; debugger; solidity unit testing ; “sourcify”, and plugin manager.

File explorer stores and allows you to navigate through the smart contract files, which end in .sol.

The compiler is the place you could turn your codes into an Application Binary Interface—known as an ABI which tells a program how to interact with smart contracts—and Bytecode (Machine-readable).

Deployer section allows you to put your smart contract onto a blockchain (public, testing, or even private chain).

Solidity Analysis will allow you to check whether the smart contract has any errors or carries any potential risks.

You can test the deployed contract step by step with the debugger or submit your test cases to the “Solidity unit testing” section.

“SOURCIFY” is important when you want to prove to the public that the deployed contract is the same as the one you disclosed.

The Plugin Manager, you could try out new features or customize your smart contract using Remix’s add-on software.

That the end of lesson 1. We will introduce other important tools in the next lesson.

Uniswap Makes its Way onto StarkNet with Nethermind's Help

Nethermind, an Ethereum Development Company, is helping to launch the Uniswap Decentralized Exchange (DEX) onto the StarkNet Layer-2 network.

As revealed in a Blog Post by Jorik Schellekens, the deployment of Uniswap onto StarkNet was made possible through the Warp Project.

The Warp Project seeks to make the top Ethereum DApps and protocols available and accessible on the StarkNet network. That Nethermind was able to warp the Uniswap V3 protocol is a testament to the advances being made to create a robust ecosystem for StarkNet.

The development startup is yet to finalize the plugin that will help perfect the warp move, which will be promptly succeeded by frontend testing amongst others. According to Jorik, a major drawback that is being encountered is that most Ethereum DApps, including Uniswap are written in the Solidity programming language, while the StarkNet is predominantly written in Cairo.

As a result, a compiler is needed to make meaning of the code for it to function on the alternative Layer-2 protocol.

“We are excited to announce that the next big milestone in the Warp project has been reached: we have successfully transpiled and compiled Uniswap v3! What’s more, is that we’re finishing a hardhat plugin that allows you to run all your Solidity hardhat tests on the transpiled Cairo,” Jorik said in his opening statement.

The launch of Uniswap on StarkNet will offer a lot of benefits to users of the pioneering Automated Market Maker on Ethereum. Besides getting a better fee on their transactions, StarkNet Uniswap users are bound to see their transactions finalized faster than on the Layer-1-based version.

According to Jorik, the Warp Project is bound to introduce additional features that will better serve users on the StarkNet protocol beyond the already-hosted projects like the Empirical Network.

“Warp is not about to stop with Uniswap! We will continue working hard on features and repeat this experiment with a few other protocols, bringing new protocols to StarkNet at warp speed,” he said.

Uniswap Labs Announces Upcoming v4 and Developer Training Program

Uniswap Labs, the team behind the largest on-chain cryptocurrency exchange, has recently announced the upcoming release of Uniswap v4. In a bid to keep developers at the forefront of decentralized finance (DeFi), an 8-week course has been introduced to educate experienced Solidity developers on the new v4 hooks.

Solidity, the programming language used for writing smart contracts on Ethereum and other blockchain platforms, is crucial for the development of decentralized applications (dApps). With the DeFi ecosystem rapidly evolving, Uniswap Labs is offering an opportunity for developers to level up their skills through a specialized training program.

The course is set to include sessions with some of the most knowledgeable individuals in the DeFi space, such as Will Pote, Director of Engineering at Uniswap Labs. The program, named The Uniswap Hook Incubator, is designed to be highly selective, targeting developers who are already well-versed in Solidity and are looking to dive deep into the advanced features of Uniswap’s upcoming iteration.

Uniswap has been a key player in the DeFi landscape, providing a platform for crypto trading through an automated liquidity protocol. The introduction of Uniswap v4 is set to further solidify its position by potentially introducing new functionalities that could advance the way users interact with DeFi protocols.

The news of the Uniswap Hook Incubator has been met with excitement within the crypto community. Influential voices on social media platforms such as Crypto BigMom and Vlad Nazar have shared their enthusiasm, signaling a positive outlook for the future of Uniswap and the DeFi sector as a whole.

The announcement was made through various social media outlets and was accompanied by an invitation to apply for the program. The proactive approach to developer education by Uniswap Labs underscores the importance of a knowledgeable base of developers who can utilize and extend the protocol’s capabilities.

As the anticipation for Uniswap v4 builds, the community is eager to see the innovations that will be introduced. The Uniswap Hook Incubator is poised to play a critical role in equipping developers with the tools and knowledge necessary to contribute to the next stage of DeFi’s growth.

Uniswap’s continued commitment to supporting its protocol and ecosystem through developer education initiatives like The Uniswap Hook Incubator is a testament to the proactive and forward-thinking mindset that has made it a cornerstone of the DeFi movement.

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