G20 Agency Warns Countries of Systemic Risks Posed by Global Stablecoins

The Financial Stability Board (FSB), the G20 body that advises on ways to improve the global financial system, has published a study on the challenges, which stablecoins pose for the global economy. The FSB stated that regulatory frameworks have already covered several activities associated with stablecoins, although there are other risks that many national regulators could be left unprepared for.

Stablecoins a threat to the global financial system

The study acknowledges that stablecoins have significant potential to contribute to the development of the global financial system. Digital assets could give millions of people without bank accounts access to the international financial system and provide consumers across the globe greater freedom for low-cost transactions. However, the study also presents that such benefits make stablecoins much riskier for the global economy and financial system.  

The FSB warns national regulators to review standards and fix any potential disruptions caused by global stablecoins such as the Facebook-led Libra project. The agency stated that much of the mechanisms and technology used in stablecoins were mostly untested. This implies that functioning stablecoins may have hidden vulnerabilities that emerge when they are ready for mainstream application. Large-scale flows of funds into and out of a global stablecoin could test not only the ability of the financial conditions of the broader financial system but also the supporting infrastructure to handle high transaction volumes.  

To respond to the potential threats posed by stablecoins, the watchdog suggests to authorities that if they cannot regulate and control fully decentralized stablecoins, then they should consider banning them. The FSB mentioned that national regulators should monitor the fast pace of innovation within the digital asset space to attempt and recognize any weaknesses or regulatory loopholes before they take effect. All G20 member countries should come together to clarity regulatory powers and fix potential gaps within their national frameworks to sufficiently address risks posed by global stablecoins.

Since stablecoins work across borders, the watchdog urges member countries to consider creating a flexible cross-border framework to enable stablecoins not to find a gap over the differences between each jurisdiction. The FSB also proposes the creation of high interagency cooperation between international partner agencies.  

Concerns on regulating stablecoins

This is not the first time when global regulator like the G20 regulatory watchdog is calling for the world’s leading economies to plug gaps in their regulatory frameworks to avoid stablecoins from undermining financial stability. Last year, the European Central Bank raised concerns regarding the lack of governance framework and regulation of stablecoins. The European Central Bank expressed uncertainties concerning the regulatory treatment and governance of stablecoins. Besides Facebook’s Libra stablecoin, several other stablecoins exist. But governments, central banks, and global regulators have appeared not to like the idea of private entities ‘creating money’ pegged to fiat currencies. It is clear that the G20 watchdog also has similar concerns over stablecoins.

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IMF Proposes Framework to Assess Crypto Asset Risks

A recent working paper by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) titled “Assessing Macrofinancial Risks from Crypto Assets” has shed light on the complexities and potential risks in the rapidly growing crypto sector. The paper serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the various risks associated with crypto assets, particularly the systemic risks that could affect global financial stability.

Proposed Framework: The C-RAM

Central to the paper is the proposal of a Crypto Risk Assessment Matrix (C-RAM) aimed at assessing global risks. According to the paper, this matrix identifies global risks exogenous to countries that have implications for macro-financial stability. The C-RAM serves dual purposes: first, to assist policymakers and regulators in containing potential risks from the crypto sector, and second, to serve as a tool for identifying areas of prudential risk within jurisdictions.

Three-Step Approach

The proposed framework utilizes a three-step approach. The first step involves a decision tree to assess how critically important the crypto sector is to a national economy. The second step examines indicators similar to those used in traditional finance but specifically designed to indicate the potential for systemic risk in the crypto sector. The third step focuses on assessing the global macro-financial risk from crypto assets, providing insights into a country’s systemic risk assessment.

Rapid Expansion and Integration

According to the paper, crypto assets have become an important component of the international financial sector. They offer various advantages, such as more efficient payment systems, faster cross-border transactions, and increased financial inclusion. However, the paper also warns of “dire consequences” if the crypto sector lacks robust regulatory and policy frameworks.

Vulnerabilities and Corporate Exposure

The IMF paper highlights the systemic risks that could spill over into the broader financial sector and the economy. These include leveraged exposure within crypto markets and corporate exposure due to the integration of crypto assets into payment systems and supply chains. Such integration could make exposed corporations more vulnerable in terms of profitability, asset-to-liability mismatches, and cash flows.

Limitations of Traditional Financial Tools

The paper emphasizes that many of the empirical tools used for systemic risk analysis in traditional finance are not well-suited for crypto-related risks. This underscores the need for specialized tools and methodologies tailored for the crypto sector.

Ongoing Research and Public Feedback

As part of the IMF’s Working Papers series, the paper indicates that the research is ongoing and subject to revisions based on public input and further studies. This aligns with the IMF’s practice of encouraging public scrutiny and debate.


The IMF’s working paper acts as a significant milestone in understanding the macrofinancial risks associated with crypto assets. It not only proposes a structured approach for assessing these risks but also emphasizes the need for immediate action in terms of regulatory oversight. The paper serves as a timely reminder for all stakeholders to collaborate and address the challenges posed by the burgeoning crypto industry.

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