Polkadot Developer Parity Technologies Reportedly Cuts Over 300 Staff This Week

After making a statement on the 10th of October 2023 outlining changes in its operational emphasis, the blockchain technology company Parity Technologies, which is the service provider behind the Polkadot (native token: DOT) blockchain, is said to have let go of more than 300 workers this week. According to a tweet published by Parity Technologies, the firm is “sunsetting its go-to-market functions” in order to make room for more extensive community-driven initiatives amid the expansion of Polkadot’s ecosystem.

In a series of tweets, Parity Technologies focused on its strategy move towards a more community-centric approach, highlighting its view that the “strength of any ecosystem lies in the diverse builders, where competition meets collaboration.” This was done in order to highlight the company’s strategic transition toward a more community-centric approach. The move also aligns with a bigger narrative around Polkadot’s development and the obstacles faced by its ecosystem, including an imminent huge supply event with over 400 million parachain unlocks slated in less than two weeks, followed by a 110 million unlock in January. Specifically, the move coincides with an impending large supply event with over 400 million parachain unlocks scheduled in less than two weeks.

Concerns have been raised among community members as a result of the supply dynamics, which have been contrasted with what seems to be a lack of demand, as seen by the fact that recent parachain auctions have garnered just 1-2 million dollars in interest. Notably, Astar, Polkadot’s most active parachain, has changed its attention towards becoming an Ethereum Layer 2 solution utilizing Polygon, which further emphasizes the difficulties that are present within the ecosystem. As a result of the scenario, some have begun to wonder whether or not Polkadot will be able to keep its market valuation of $5 billion by the end of the year, particularly in light of the fact that other projects, such as Optimism, are presently valued at $4.2 billion.

On social media, members of the community have expressed a range of opinions, with some expressing worries regarding the supply and demand dynamics of Polkadot in the near term, while others have shown an interest in seeing how the lifespan of a mature blockchain ecosystem evolves. The possible influence of these developments on the larger blockchain ecosystem, in particular for other alternative Layer 1 solutions, was another topic that was brought up throughout the conversations.

The dedication of Parity Technologies to bringing Polkadot’s next-generation technology to market, enhancing the overall quality of the developer experience, and cultivating a robust developer community has been reaffirmed. There are high hopes that many teams from Parity will continue to contribute to the expansion of Polkadot with the introduction of the new financing scheme offered by the Web3 Foundation.

Coinhouse Trims 15% Workforce Amid Crypto Sector Challenges

On October 13, 2023, French crypto exchange Coinhouse announced a 15% reduction in its workforce, following in the steps of another French unicorn, Ledger. This move primarily affects the web 3.0 department within the firm. Coinhouse CEO Nicolas Louvet, in an interview with BFM Crypto, clarified that the current downsizing does not relate to an alleged 40% staff cut reported earlier by Mindfintech. He attributed the decision to a waning interest in Web3 technologies compared to the previous year, and a broader bearish crypto market scenario. Despite the layoffs, Louvet mentioned ongoing recruitment for positions in marketing and data departments, hinting at a strategic realignment towards core crypto investment operations.

Established in 2015, Coinhouse has seen its staff number dwindle from 100 to 60 within a year, reflective of the broader challenges faced by the crypto sector. The company, which enables the trading of 40 different cryptocurrencies, secured €2.4 million in a Series A funding round in 2019, followed by a substantial €40 million round in 2022. Boasting over 500,000 client accounts and 3,000 corporate clients, Coinhouse was the inaugural entity to obtain the digital asset service provider (PSAN) registration from the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) in 2020. Additionally, it acquired a license from Luxembourg’s Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), expanding its operational footprint to Luxembourg.

The current workforce reduction indicates Coinhouse’s shift in focus, from pioneering Web3 services to assisting companies and institutions in shaping their Web3 strategies amidst a fragile global economic backdrop. The move underscores a cautious approach in a bear market, while still nurturing core cryptocurrency investment services. In the broader narrative, it reflects a recalibration within crypto enterprises to navigate through market uncertainties.

KyberSwap's Response to $48.8 Million Hack: Workforce Halved and Victim Reimbursement Plans

The decentralized finance sector faced a significant setback when KyberSwap, a DeFi protocol, suffered a devastating hack in November 2023. The aftermath of this security breach has led to far-reaching consequences, including a drastic reduction in the platform’s workforce and efforts to support affected users.

On November 22, 2023, KyberSwap experienced a severe security exploit, resulting in a loss of approximately $48.8 million from its Elastic liquidity pools. This incident, labeled as the KyberSwap Elastic exploit, occurred at 10:54:09 PM UTC, marking a significant moment in the DeFi landscape. The hacker exploited a vulnerability in KyberSwap’s Elastic protocol, leading to unauthorized and exploitative swaps​​.

In response to this financial hit, Kyber Network’s CEO, Victor Tran, announced a regrettable but necessary decision to reduce their workforce by 50%. This move aims to keep the firm’s business operations sustainable in the wake of the financial losses incurred. Despite the challenging decision, Kyber Network emphasizes that its core business functions, including KyberSwap’s Aggregator and Limit Order features, remain intact. However, some initiatives, like the liquidity protocol and KyberAI project, have been temporarily paused​​​​.

Kyber Network has initiated a Treasury Grants Program to support users impacted by the hack. This program, which commenced on December 20, 2023, plans to distribute reimbursements in U.S. dollar stablecoins by February 1, 2024. Affected users are required to register for this reimbursement between January 11 and January 23, 2024. While the total reference value of losses nears $49 million, users will receive only 60% of this value, reflecting the financial constraints the platform faces. An additional $6.6 million was stolen from front-run bots in the aftermath of the primary exploit​​​​.

In a turn of events, the Kyber team attempted to negotiate a bounty deal with the hacker. However, the hacker’s demands were extreme, seeking complete control over Kyber Network, including all assets and its governance mechanism, KyberDAO. The hacker’s intention to buy the company at a fair valuation was not entertained by the Kyber team​​.

The exploit was characterized by DeFi expert Doug Colkitt as an “infinite money glitch,” a complex and carefully engineered smart contract exploit across several networks implementing KyberSwap pools. The affected networks included Avalanche, Polygon, Ethereum, and layer-2 networks such as Arbitrum, Optimism, and Base​​.

In summary, KyberSwap’s proactive steps to address the aftermath of the hack, including workforce reduction and plans to reimburse impacted users, demonstrate the challenges and resilience inherent in the DeFi sector. The incident underscores the importance of robust security measures and the need for continuous vigilance in the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.

BlackRock's Strategic Shift: Layoffs Amidst Bitcoin ETF Anticipation

The world’s biggest asset management, BlackRock Inc., is now making news for two significant innovations that are a reflection of the strategic modifications it has made in response to the ever-changing financial environment.

BlackRock has just made the announcement that it would be significantly reducing its personnel. roughly three percent of its workforce throughout the globe, which amounts to roughly 600 people, would be impacted by this relocation. This move is reminiscent of a similar step that was made in 2023, which suggests that there will be a trend of yearly modifications to the staff depending on performance. The company has already reduced the number of workers by 500 earlier this year, so this is the second wave of layoffs that they have implemented this year. As part of BlackRock’s larger plan to navigate through the present market issues, the company has decided to lay off employees. This decision reflects the company’s proactive effort to retaining its competitive advantage. These choices will have a significant impact on the company’s finances, including the imposition of a restructuring charge of $91 million during the fourth quarter of 2022. This charge will largely cover severance and pay adjustments for workers who will be impacted by the decision.

BlackRock is presently at the forefront of a substantial development in the bitcoin industry, which is taking place simultaneously. Currently, the company is waiting for the decision that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will make on its application for a spot Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). It is predicted that this decision will be made by January 10, 2024, and the cryptocurrency world is eagerly anticipating it. As indicated by the latest update filing that BlackRock made with the Nasdaq for its Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) proposal, BlackRock has been increasing the intensity of its attempts to match with SEC requirements. In addition, the corporation has taken the initiative to seed its Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) with ten million dollars in cash, demonstrating its faith in a positive conclusion. The SEC has only allowed cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are related to futures contracts up to this point, so the approval of this ETF would be a significant step forward. It is anticipated that this event will have substantial repercussions for the cryptocurrency market, which may result in the opening of new doors for both institutional and individual investors alike.

Google Fires Hundreds of Workers in Voice Assistant and Hardware Teams

Hundreds of people across different divisions have been let off as a result of Google’s massive staff reduction. These employees include members of the team responsible for voice-activated Google Assistant as well as members of the Devices and Services Product Area (DSPA) team, which is responsible for managing hardware products such as Pixel, Nest, and Fitbit. This move is a component of Google’s larger effort to simplify operations and concentrate on its most important product objectives, and it comes as part of that strategy.

This strategy move toward more efficient operations is reflected in the rearrangement of teams at Google, which is particularly significant in light of the growing use of technologies that utilize generative artificial intelligence. Google made the announcement that it planned to include generative artificial intelligence capabilities into its virtual assistant in the previous year. The company’s goal was to improve features such as travel planning and email management.

The Alphabet Workers Union, on the other hand, has voiced their disapproval of this restructure, stating that the layoffs are needles” and that they are not consistent with the profitability of the corporation. It was conveyed that the union was concerned about the job security of its members and that it was dedicated to fighting for the rights of its members.

Tonight, Google began another round of needless layoffs. Our members and teammates work hard every day to build great products for our users, and the company cannot continue to fire our coworkers while making billions every quarter. We won’t stop fighting until our jobs are safe!

Google has reduced the number of its Augmented Reality (AR) hardware team in addition to the teams that work on the Voice Assistant and hardware. For the purpose of future hardware development, the business intends to work together with other Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), so combining its hardware engineering efforts into a single core team.

It is important to note that James Park and Eric Friedman, who were both co-founders of Fitbit, are leaving the firm as part of this restructure. One of the most important parts of Google’s hardware portfolio is the Pixel Watch line, which was introduced thanks in large part to Park’s contributions.

A trend of labor cutbacks at Google, which includes cuts in several teams such as Waze, recruitment, and news divisions, has taken place, and these layoffs are the latest in that pattern. The announcement of a company-wide layoff of around 12,000 positions, which accounted for approximately 6% of Google’s workers worldwide, was made by Google in January of 2023.

The choice made by Google is reflective of a larger trend in the technology sector, which is that businesses are reevaluating their staff in response to the challenges coming from the economy and the changing expectations of the market. This action is being seen as a strategic realignment with the goal of prioritizing investments and making the most of substantial prospects in the future.

NEAR Foundation Announces 40% Workforce Reduction in Strategic Realignment

The NEAR Foundation has announced a reduction of its workforce by approximately 40%, impacting 35 team members across various departments, primarily marketing, business development, and community teams. This decision, as revealed in the Foundation’s latest update, comes as a part of a broader realignment strategy aimed at refining its focus on high-impact activities and further decentralizing the ecosystem.

Strategic Realignment and Workforce Reduction

The NEAR Foundation’s decision to reduce its team size is part of a calculated move to streamline operations. The move reflects a commitment to consolidating the Foundation’s efforts, focusing on a narrower set of activities that promise higher impact. This reduction is also in line with the Foundation’s long-term vision of decentralization, as the ecosystem matures and various nodes drive more activity across the network.

Impact on the NEAR Foundation Team

The workforce reduction will primarily affect the marketing, business development, and community teams. However, the NEAR Protocol Engineering Team at Pagoda will continue its operations unaffected. The Foundation has pledged support to the affected colleagues during this transitional period, aiding them in finding new opportunities within the NEAR ecosystem, the broader Web3 industry, or elsewhere.

NEAR Foundation’s Financial Health

Despite the workforce reduction, the NEAR Foundation’s treasury remains robust and well-managed. With over $285 million in fiat, 305 million NEAR tokens (worth over $1 billion), and $70 million in investments and loans, the Foundation is well-positioned to continue supporting the growth, development, and further decentralization of the NEAR Protocol and ecosystem.

Future Focus and Commitment

The NEAR Foundation reiterates its dedication to advancing key areas such as chain abstraction, user-owned AI, and mainstream adoption of the Open Web. This strategic shift is seen as a step towards more focused, efficient, and rapid progress in these areas.


The NEAR Foundation’s decision to reduce its workforce is a strategic move aimed at aligning the organization’s structure with its long-term objectives of decentralization and high-impact activities. While this decision brings a significant change, the Foundation’s strong financial standing and commitment to its vision of an Open Web suggest a continued positive trajectory for the NEAR ecosystem.

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